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Changing Perceptions Theater

Program Level Resources
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Over the past six years Changing Perceptions Theater (CPT) has done amazing work for youth in schools and community organizations throughout NYC. Focusing on what CPT calls “the confidence arts,” dynamic CPT teaching artists empower young people’s perceptions of themselves through THEATER, PUBLIC SPEAKING, ESSAY WRITING, and CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE EDUCATION. Students always present an end product to their families, peers and school environment at the end of CPT residences. For more information on how to partner with CPT, simply submit a form a www.cptheater.com and we will get back to you within the business day. Feel free to reach out to some of the organizations we partner with to hear about CPT’s great work. The Eagle Academy for the Young Men, The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Children of Promise, Partnership with Youth, Harlem Commonwealth Council, The Expanded Success Initiative and more.

P.O. Box 3631, New York, NY 10027

(646) 702-1483