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Reach the World

Program Level Resources
Type of Service:

Reach the World makes the benefits of travel accessible to classrooms, inspiring students to become curious, confident global citizens. Enabled by our digital platform, K-12 classrooms and volunteer travelers explore the world together. Reach the World provides full-service programming to school, afterschool and summer school sites in New York City. The National Geographic Society Education Foundation named RTW a Model Program in Geography Education and the HP Catalyst Initiative named RTW a world innovator in STEM+ education. Expand learning beyond your classroom?s walls by embarking on a virtual exchange journey. Map your custom journey together with your traveler. Read primary-source, rich-media content produced just for your students; video conference; and develop shared projects. Watch your students? eyes open to a new world of possibilities!

222 Broadway, New York, NY 10038

(212) 288-6987
Target Audiences:
Elementary, High School, Middle
