Vibrant Emotional Health (Formerly Mental Health Association of New York City) is a non-profit organization that is a leader in the field of mental health and wellness.  MHA, whose mission revolves around service, advocacy and education, develops innovative approaches to addressing mental health needs.  The organization has used what it has learned in delivering high quality supportive services to inform other organizations on how to assist youth transition to adulthood and adults live productive lives, while informing decision-makers and the public of policy needed to assist communities meet mental health needs.  They cover areas as diverse as suicide prevention, bullying, disaster recovery, unemployment and homelessness.

Services: On-site consulting, training, curriculum, and policy development

Sample of Training Topics:

Content areas: Case Management, Youth Mental Health Support


Cristina Harris, Program and Training Manager

Center for Policy, Advocacy and Education

Vibrant Emotional Health
50 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, NY  10004
212-254-0333 x 320

 DYCD Capacity Building Unit Contacts:

Miguel Bonilla, Senior Director